Large leaved house plants, vines, various kinds of dwarf trees we have seen in every house in the last 90's, have become an indispensable part of modern homes for the last few years. In fact, these house plants are now being used in a "generous" way, creating a small-scale forest is popular trend in a new generation of homes. If you want to carry this trend home, which is known as Urban Jungle in the world, you can apply decoration ideas with creative plants that we have compiled for you!
Dangling plants
It is not easy to keep house plants especially in cat houses. Because famous friends with curious characters do not give any comfort to home plants! Dangling pots, which are particularly useful for such houses, are both very decorative and useful. You can design your own dangling flower pots by applying the trend of macrame, which has risen in recent years but also you can give the right to the urban jungle trend by buying dangling flower pots for your home decoration.

Creative Wall Gardens
As Hoagard, we love to fill empty walls with creative wall art designs and wall decor designs! There is another wall ornament as we love as at least this style up wall boards : Creative wall gardens! Especially, the application of rustic-looking wall gardens created with old pallets and simple wooden slats is both simple and quite affordable. You can apply this creative home decoration idea with all kinds of large and small house plants.

Urban jungle designs on ladder
Plant stand on ladder from urban jungle ideas, where recycling is at the forefront, is ideal for those looking for a different idea, especially for the hall decoration. To move this idea into your home is very simple: You can use it if you have a wooden staircase in the house, or you can get a simple wooden staircase from the nearest hardware store. You can make the plants stand more solid by placing the same color wood boards on the steps of these simple stairs that look much more natural, without painting and unpainted.

Green library
If you have a surplus library unit at home, you know what to do with it! You can easily use empty library units usually filled with decorative objects and trinkets in every corner of the house by filling various kinds of house plants. Especially Swedish vine; the tropical plant known as the love ladder and the lipstick plant is very suitable for the green library.

Rain forest weather in the house
Finally, one of the most popular decoration trends of this year is the most common form of urban jungle trend that makes tropical winds at home...If you prefer to use air cleaning plants, especially in your hall or bedroom, you can opt for options such as monstera, banana tree, pachira and domestik palm. These plants, which can grow easily in every room without light problems, both help to make a tropical air at home and improve air quality.

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